Support The Site

HGP Supporters

Massive thanks to my supporters, who have donated to the Headless Guitar Player website and enable me to keep doing what I do (please note that some supporters prefer to remain anonymous):

  • Martin McKendrick
  • Mark Plunkett
  • Miles Jackson
  • Aaron Ennis
  • Roger Johansson
  • Zachary Green
  • Haukur Ástvaldsson
  • Scott Stoess
  • Lars Kemperman
  • Ben W
  • Ian Threadgold

Want to support HGP?

All my videos and tabs are freely available to visitors of this site and will continue to remain as such. Creating this stuff is a labour of love, but fundamentally I enjoy sharing it with the guitar playing community. I hope that it helps you learn new things and appreciate even more the talent behind the amazing songs I’m covering.

However, there are some aspects that I’d definitely like to improve. Things like using a proper camera instead of my phone, better video editing software, enhancing the audio quality etc. Ultimately, all of these improvements cost money and in some cases are quite an investment.

So, if you would like to tip or donate to show your support for this site and help me create better content in the future, then you can do that via PayPal.



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